[JUQ-323] When I Was Ordered To Abstain Until The First Night For 5 Days Without My Husband, I Was Physically And Mentally Trained By My Powerful Father-In-Law... My Father-In-Law Was Aiming For An Unwanted Marriage Of Convenience... Tenkawa Sora

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When I became the president of the university, I was amazed at the lack of ambition of my son, Gaku. Thinking that things might change if he gets married, he forcibly makes the professor Oshima's niece Sora a matchmaking partner, but... In fact, the one who was aiming for her was none other than Toru. He pretended to be a strict father and forbade them from having premarital sex until marriage. A year later, Toru sends Manabu on a five-day business trip, and he puts into practice his plan to train Sora.





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